Tuesday, July 12, 2011

New Features of Microsoft Office 2010 Professional

Microsoft Office 2010 Professional has been sold 100 Million. Why is it so popular? Compare to Office 2007, is there any new features? The answer is "YES" absolutely. 

SharePoint Server 2010
You'll see major changes in the new version if your company also updates to SharePoint Server 2010. Office 2010 is packed with features that let SharePoint users edit and manage each other's files either through an internal connection to a SharePoint server or remotely through a Web browser or smartphone. Microsoft's obvious goal is to persuade corporations to pay for Microsoft's collaboration tools instead of using those from Google or any other cloud-based service. Microsoft's look technically dazzling, but it's an open question whether Microsoft can convince companies to lock themselves into a high-priced proprietary offering in a time of economic uncertainty.
Available in Both 32 and 64 -bitOne other innovation is that Office 2010 will be the first version of the suite available in both 32- and 64-bit versions. We haven't received the 64-bit version yet, but we'll report on its performance on a 64-bit version of Windows as soon as we can.

Besides of these two features, there are other reasons make it more popular. 
System Requirements
System requirements for Office 2010 are essentially the same as for Office 2007: Windows XP SP3 (the older SP2 won't cut it), Vista, or Windows 7. Any hardware that can run Office 2007 can also run Office 2010.

New Print Menu
A new Print menu is especially impressive, with options like page orientation (portrait or landscape) and one- or two-sided printing instantly accessible instead of buried deep in the Windows Print dialog. PDF output is finally built in from the start, and doesn't require a special download as it does in Office 2007. The suite also includes the open-source Open Document Format as one of its default formats.

At a whole, Microsoft office 2010 professional is most popular now. Haven't tried it on PC? Just go to Office 2010 retail store or Microsoft Store to purchase one. You will love it so much.

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